1. Think of one word or phrase that is relevant to you. In can be from a book that you love, a quote that inspires you, or something from popular culture.
2. Find a picture that relates to your word/phrase. It can be your own photo or one from the internet.
*HINT: When finding a picture from Google, click on Tools and change Size to Large so that you only find high quality images!
4. Open your picture in Photoshop.
5. Unlock the layer your image appears on.
1. Choose the Horizontal Type Tool from your toolbar.
2. Click anywhere on your picture and type your word/phrase. Change the size and the font to something big and bold!
3. Click on the Move Tool at the top of your toolbar to finish typing. You can use EDIT > FREE TRANSFORM to resize your word.
4. Make sure your text layer is selected and select everywhere OUTSIDE OF your word with the Magic Wand. Hold down the SHIFT key to select more than one area. DONT FORGET to select areas like inside of P's, O's, and A's!
5. Now, click and drag the layer with your photo to the top of the layers palette, on top of your text layer.
6. Make sure your image layer is selected and hit Delete! The areas behind your text should now be within the shape you selected!
7. Find one more image to put in the background underneath your layer. Find something simple which won't distract from your text.
You can add extra effects to your text layer by selecting "fx" and clicking on "Blending Options"
Experiment with different effects like "Bevel & Emboss", "Stroke", and "Drop Shadow"
Make sure that you check the box next to each one to turn them on and off. Click on the title of each one to access more options.
The image above uses the "Drop Shadow" effect so that it casts a shadow on the background.