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Any colors opposite from one another on the color wheel

Colors next to each other on the color wheel, sharing a common hue

One color plus TWO colors on either side of its complement on the color wheel

Any three colors on the color wheel which are an equal distance apart from one another

Warm colors advance towards the viewer and give uplifting and warm impressions

Cool colors recede away from the viewer and give calming and cool impressions

One color on the color wheel including various tints and shades of that color

"Without color", including various shades of blacks, grays, and whites

1. Read carefully through the series of different color harmonies below

2. Hold down CTRL and click on the harmony chart at the bottom of the page and click on "Copy Image"

3. In Photoshop, FILE > NEW > and click OK

4. Go to EDIT > PASTE and paste the harmony chart into your file

5. Go to FILE > SAVE AS and save your harmony chart into your file with the name "LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HARMONY.psd"

6. Fill in the center circle for each box with the color specified.

7. Find the color harmony labeled under each box and plug in the circle color.

8. Color in the boxes around the circle with the corresponding colors from Step 7.

9. When you are finished, SAVE YOUR WORK into the FINISHED WORK folder for COLOR HARMONY


The result of mixing two complements together; oftentimes brown, grey, NEUTRAL colors

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