Horizon Line - the line where the land and sky meet
Vanishing Point - the point on the horizon line where all diagonal lines meet
Orthogonal Lines - diagonal lines which converge on the vanishing point
Horizontal/Vertical - Hold down Shift, click and hold down while moving your mouse either vertically or horizontally
Diagonal - Click once where you want your line to start, hold down Shift, click once where you want your line to end
1. Draw the horizon line across the center of your page
2. Draw two viewpoints at either end of the horizon line
3. Draw a vertical line below the horizon line
4. Connect the ends of your vertical line to each vanishing point
5. Draw two vertical lines on either side of the vertical line within the orthogonal lines
6. Connect the top of your new vertical lines to the opposite vanishing points
7. Connect the opposite corners within the right-hand side of your cube to find its center
9. Connect the top of your vertical line to the middle and right-hand vertical lines
11. Draw a vertical line from the back corner to the orthogonal line from Step 10
13. Draw a vertical line from the center of the rear side and connect the top to each corner
15. Erase your projected lines and orthogonal lines!
8. Draw a vertical line from the center
10. Draw an orthogonal line from the bottom of the left-hand vertical line to the right-hand view point
12. Draw an "X" within the rear side of your cube to find its center
14. Connect the top of each triangle to form a roof
16. Fill your construction with textures. Do not leave white spaces! Windows, doors, grass, sky, etc. are all great examples.